Monthly Archives: June 2020


Electronic Signatures in Property and Other Transactions

“To sign a document means to authenticate that which stands for or is intended to represent the name of the person who is to authenticate” (quoted in the case below) We all know that verbal agreements, although fully binding for most types of transaction, are a recipe for uncertainty and dispute. It’s not just a question of trust – even if no one is deliberately dishonest about what was agreed, innocent misunderstandings are common. We have a natural tendency to hear

Directors and Business Rescue in the Time of COVID-19

“A stitch in time saves nine” (wise old proverb) The COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdown have opened up new avenues of profit for some businesses, but they have also subjected many others to the spectre of business failure.  Unfortunately we can expect the level of bankruptcies to surge for some time to come, and the domino effect will multiply the numbers until our economy turns the corner. If financial distress looms for your own company, bear in mind the very onerous duties

Our Brave New World: Using Zoom for Retrenchment Consultations

“O brave new world” (Shakespeare) The COVID-19 pandemic will doubtless lead to many new developments on the legal front. For example, with widespread employee retrenchment now an unfortunate reality in our struggling economy, all employers, employees and trade unions should know of an important new Labour Court decision validating the use of remote conferencing for the retrenchment consultation process.  The consultation process, rudely interrupted An employer decided in January 2020 that it needed to restructure its business operations, which prompted it to contemplate dismissal

POPIA’s Deadline is 30 June 2021 – Ignore the “Fake Headlines” But Start Planning!

At long last the main provisions of POPIA (the Protection of Personal Information Act) have been gazetted, and they will commence on 1 July 2020. That means that the one year transitional period will expire on 30 June 2021.  Don’t panic just yet, and ignore the many “fake headlines” in the media implying that you are at immediate risk of non-compliance, but at the same time don’t leave this to the last minute! Preparing for compliance is going to be a time-consuming

Website of the Month: The Mental Battle of Running a Small Business in Lockdown Level 3

“This Too Shall Pass. It might pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass” (Unknown) Entrepreneurs and the small businesses they run are bearing much of the brunt of our deepening economic woes. Some SMEs have prospered, others have sunk – most of us have just battled on, preparing for and dreaming of happier times to come. In “The mental battle of running a small business” on Daily Maverick Nic Haralambous shares his thoughts on how to stay mentally fit in these