“By subscribing to the constitution, each member accepts the benefits stipulated in his or her favour by the other subscribing members. One of those benefits is that there shall be rules of conduct to give substance to the objectives and rights promised and conferred by the constitution … and that the other members will be required to comply with them … and that any breaches thereof will be called to account” (Extract from judgment below) There are many advantages to living
“People are entitled to walk our streets without having to fear being attacked by dogs and, where such attacks occur, they should in most circumstances be able to look to the owner of the dog for recompense” (extract from judgment below) Dog owners (in fact owners of any potentially dangerous domesticated animal) should take note of the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA)’s recent refusal to extend the legal defences open to you if you are sued for injuries and losses caused
“By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail” (Benjamin Franklin) The media is still awash with warnings about the dangers of not complying with POPIA (the Protection of Personal Information Act). The risks of non-compliance are indeed substantial but whilst much is made of the fact that the Act itself is now in force, references to the one-year grace period for compliance expiring on 30 June 2021 appear only in the fine print (if at all). But – and this is
“Compliance with court orders is always important. There is a particular scourge in this country of spouses, particularly husbands, failing to pay judicially ordered maintenance” (extract from second judgment below) Getting money out of serial maintenance defaulters is a notoriously difficult exercise, but even the most recalcitrant and cunning dodger will baulk at the prospect of being locked up for contempt of court. And our courts, mindful of their position as “upper guardian” to all children, have shown again and again that
“Zooming Into the Future: Tips to Improve One’s Appearance at Online Meetings” on Law.com is a useful compilation of advice on the best – Lighting Background Eye levelAppearance (did you know about the “Touch Up My Appearance” button?Sound. It’s written specifically for lawyers doing their lawyerly things and for witnesses giving evidence online but is a great resource for anyone and everyone using virtual meetings of any sort. Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used or relied on as professional advice. No liability can