“Who acts in haste repents at leisure” (Aesop) Our Festive Season is always a busy time for property sales, and this year should be no different – pent up demand, increased affordability, relocations, record low interest rates and availability of bonds are all factors likely to drive a busy property market for at least the next few months. If you are one of the many property sellers or buyers planning to take advantage, you are in for an exciting time, and as
“…where there is disharmony, the essential test is whether it imperils the Trust estate or its proper administration” (extract from judgment below) Trustees are of course supposed to work together to protect and further the interests of their trust and its beneficiaries, but the fact is that on occasion serious disputes can and do arise. If settlement negotiations fail and if there is no alternative but to forcibly remove a trustee our courts have the power to do so, on the application
“An inability on the part of the parents to maintain a child must be established before a grandparent will be legally liable to do so” (extract from judgment below) One wonders how many grandparents are aware of (let alone plan for) the possibility that they may have a legal duty to support their grandchildren in certain circumstances. It could be a heavy blow – trying to navigate one’s retirement financially can be hard enough without suddenly having to maintain not only yourself
A recent CCMA (Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration) ruling, in which an employee’s dismissal for smoking cannabis before work was set aside and he was re-instated, has garnered a lot of media attention. Unfortunately, some of the resultant articles and headlines may have given the inaccurate impression that employees are now free to report for duty under the influence of the intoxicant. In fact, although the employee in question was indeed re-instated, he was still held to be in the
It’s been a hard year but at long last the Summer Holidays are here! Here’s a selection of websites to help you enjoy your break – Holiday safely in the time of COVID-19 Read Daily Maverick’s “How to go on holiday safely in the time of Covid-19: A practical guide” here for some thoughts on how to travel to your holiday destination, what to do on arrival, and how to have fun – all with minimal risk. Dodging the dangers – an interactive graphic Then